Monday, November 22, 2010

smile.laugh. know I love you.

Its a monday that feels like a Friday... how is that possible right? Well let me tell you that I get to go home tomorrow to spend a whole week with my family and I can not wait! I love my family... and I miss them so much. Especially my little brother. We are so much alike when it comes to the creative mind and lately I have been thinking how cool it would be to do something awesome with him. I could see the Cullen kids rocking it in the art profession together... So Q if you are reading this.. get your mind thinking cause I think we could do magic. Ha But I also really miss my mom and my daddy. They are truly wonderful to me and make my life complete. One of the best things about home are the mornings.. knowing I can walk upstairs get a hot cup of joe and every-time.. see my mom and dad together sitting and enjoying each-others company.. and I get lucky enough to join. (they are still hopelessly in love) I love that!!!!! And well it seems I am missing my family.. haha cause I really didn't know where I was going with this post.. But its good to think about the things you wish for and the things you know you already love and can cherish. But I can't forget about my oldest brother. The thing is though im lucky.. I don't have to miss him cause he is a huge part of my life and very much involved. Bro know that I am so lucky to have you.. for those who don't know he kinda is a lifesaver.. and I get to see him all the time. So thanks Nic for everything you do for me!

But yes... here is me... to make you laugh. smile... me just saying hi and love you.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

miss this

Even though these photos are way out of date... they are worth looking at... cause she is worth looking at! My beautiful friend mel. ( taken at her cabin... which by the way was wonderful.. i miss it! )

Thursday, November 11, 2010

{ coming soon }

Life gets to be a bit crazy... but once in awhile I get time to do what I love...
though.. what I love does takes a lot of my time... and at the moment i don't have much of that time to give... so here is just a preview of some session and the others will follow soon.

love you all ..

Sunday, November 7, 2010